Belle’s Bookish Tales || Do Trigger Warnings Hurt Literature?

Something I’ve been wondering about for a while is if trigger warnings are actually necessary.

I didn’t think so and still don’t like them since I think of it as a spoiler, but Belle had an outlook I didn’t even think about.

Check it out.

Camillea Reads

Trigger Warning and Books

Reading a book is a subjective experience. Authors write not only because they have a story to tell but also to evoke emotions and stir conversations. Some books change people’s thoughts and behaviors while some leave us puzzled. It’s no secret that a seemingly harmless bundle of pages has the power to twist emotions into tangles.

So when the request for books to come with trigger warnings was made, a burst of conversations condemning the very thought followed.

Aye, but it is a blasphemous thing to do to literary art, is it not?

To whittle heralded books to mere plot points; to highlight the ugliness of the novel removes attention from its humbling narrative; no, no, trigger warnings blanket our already coddled generation. Tough love, aye?

Image result for anime gif tough love

“Trigger warning”.

The very term sounds ominous, very 1984-esque. It sounds like the first step to literature’s doomsday; next thing you know, we’ll…

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Discussion – How Do You Interact and Network?

The title is pretty self-explanatory right? 

This is gonna be super short. I’d rather hear y’all thoughts/opinions/preferences/way of life than write an entire post that I’m already late on cause I don’t plan things out which stresses me, so I need to get it together……

Get your shit together Carol.gif

*LMAO y’all see her smiling when she runs. Hilarious*

Ard, so here’s how I interact:

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Beyond The Surface Book Club: A Talk About Suicide and Depression

It’s always important to discuss mental health. 

Naturally, it can be a very touch subject, but so many people go through mental issues. If we didn’t talk about it, how would we be able to help everyone?

Especially for those who don’t seek help on their own, they have support right here if they stumble upon this. 

The Book Raven

*trigger warning for suicide and depression*

Our first book of the month: My Heart and Other Black Holes, is centered around probably one of the most hard-hitting topics in mental health: suicide. This topic is an ugly one, but also a very important one to discuss.

Here is a deeply personal story of my connection to this topic.

Deep breaths….

I had an Uncle in my family.. let’s call him Uncle J. This uncle, he had problems with alcohol, probably was part of his depression, but he never discussed that with anyone as far as I know. The most important part of his character for me however, was that he was always a great father for his kids. I never once saw him happier then when they were in his life, but then again a lot of things in his life hit him a bit too hard.

In the end…

View original post 385 more words

Rant/Discussion – Does Book Blogging Have Restrictions?

I’ve come to notice that book blogging can put and keep you in a box. Tell me what you think about that.

Look around, there’s a bunch of book bloggers on WordPress alone. There’s clearly a standard most of us think when we come into the blogging community whether it be doing book hauls or book reviews or needing to get ARCs – it’s all a standard misconception. 

How many of the book bloggers are entirely unique. Very, very few. Some stick to book reviews, some don’t do book reviews, some only do giveaways – it doesn’t really matter what certain bloggers do, most are traditional in every sense.

What do I mean by that?

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{DISCUSSION} Movie Adaptations

Written By: Melanie (mnbernardbooks)

Should books be adapted into film?

Wow. I can’t honestly believe it’s taken me over a YEAR to actually have this discussion, especially considering it’s such a vehement topic among readers (and God knows among me and anyone within my unfortunate proximity.) But better late than never, right? 😀

So, let’s get into it.

Movie adaptations SUCK!
Absolutely, completely, unfortunately.

But why? How can a story you love so much be so brutally destroyed in less than 2 hours? Well… a lot of reasons! And I think I should tell you ALLLLLL about them. 😈

Source: {DISCUSSION} Movie Adaptations