Your Wedding, Your Money

Sometimes you gotta switch it up and realize how much money you’re spending on a wedding. 

Quite a change from books you say? I know right. 

This is a complete Julius from Everybody Hates Chris financial breakdown. Gotta love it.

Damn, Girl. Get Your Shit Together.

Uh oh, DGGYST has been reading again. Nothing good can come of that. I get new information and then I pass it on to you like some kind of horrible virus. You didn’t want to know about your giant clitoris, but I found out and just couldn’t help but tell you, so now you must take that information with you to the grave… or to the gynecologist where you will only think, “Zucchini clit, zucchini clit,” over and over and over again.

So when I read an article that the average cost of a wedding climbed to a record high of $35,329 last year, I was a bit stupefied and immediately felt the need to discuss it with you.

Now let me assure you, I think you are a big sexy adult who is entirely capable of spending her money the way she sees fit. There are a bunch…

View original post 877 more words

The 50 Bookish Questions Tag

I’m just doing tags that I’m not tagged in anymore, lol. 

First seen by Sarah @thelittlecontemporarycorner, I’m just gonna usesteal, borrow the questions she answered. Cool? I hope so. 

Imma gon head and get into it.

Continue reading “The 50 Bookish Questions Tag”